Understand and Implement the Palliative Care Approach

This new, four-part educational series is designed to support Ontario long-term care homes in meeting and exceeding the legal requirement to integrate a palliative approach to care. Led by experienced practitioners and experts, these short courses will deepen your understanding and give you practical new tools.


  • Person-Centered Care

    Explore a trauma-informed approach to palliative care and learn how to build a supportive, trusting relationship with family and caregivers.

  • A Holistic Pathway

    Review key elements of the palliative approach and discover how homes are providing care based on a holistically-applied palliative care philosophy.

  • Social Worker Support

    Find out how social workers can assist staff and administrators with a palliative care approach, including providing support to families.

What You'll Learn

This course was presented live online in February and March 2023. It includes six hours of on-demand learning.

  1. 1
    • Enabling a Holistic Pathway for Palliative Care (90 min)

    • The Trauma-Informed Approach to Palliative Care (90 min)

    • Building Family and Caregiver Trust in Palliative Care (2 hours)

    • Special Skills: How Social Workers Can Support a Palliative Care Approach (2 hours)

    • Tell Us What You Think

    • Integrating the Palliative Approach to Care Feedback


AdvantAge Ontario Members enjoy generous discounts on all courses and webinars. Visit advantageontario.ca to learn more about membership today!

  • $440.00

    AdvantAge Ontario Member Price

  • $680.00

    Non-Member Pricing



Nadine Valk

Nadine is the Director of Education and Strategic Partnerships at Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO).

Vanessa Rankin

Vanessa is the Director of Policy and Communications at the Ontario Association of Social Workers.

Sheila McKinnon

Sheila is a Social Worker and Social Work Consultant, I.H.S Enterprizes Inc.

Cathleen Edwards

Cathleen is the Education Manager at Family Councils Ontario.

Liane Pelissier

Liane is the Client Services Manager at Family Councils Ontario.

Rami Shami

Rami is a Hospice Palliative Care Consultant at Rami Shami Consulting.


"The entire (trauma-informed care) presentation had me captivated. Rami was an excellent presenter, and I could have listened to him all day. These concepts are so important. This was great!"

2023 Participant

"The whole (caregiver trust) session was very beneficial. The ideas on how to approach families and support them through the process were very good."

2023 Participant

"I appreciated the breakout rooms. I thought it was very helpful to role play and develop a person palliative care plan. The discussion when everyone returned to the main room was very animated and pushed the envelope on how to think outside the box when approaching palliative care in LTC."

2023 Participant