Real-World Strategies for Improved Palliative Care

In this essential, practical webinar you'll learn how to implement a palliative care program that aligns with new requirements under Ontario's new Fixing Long-Term Care Act. From philosophy and principles to legislation and regulation, get a comprehensive guide to incorporating new best practices into your existing palliative care approach.
  • Understand What Ontario's Legislation Says Now

    Take a deep dive into the new Fixing Long-Term Care Act and regulations to learn what the province expects from LTC providers when it comes to palliative care.

  • Innovative Approaches to Palliative Care

    Explore new ideas, systems and best practices that support our evolving approach to palliative care, including the benefits of creating a Palliative Care Committee.

  • Practical Tools for Managing Palliative Care

    Learn more about useful tools that support high-quality palliative care, including frailty scores, conversation guides, pain assessment scales and more.

Course Curriculum

This course was originally delivered as a live webinar in June 2022 and contains an estimated one hour of education.

  1. 1
    • Palliative Approach in LTC: Practical Implementation Strategies

    • Palliative Approach in LTC: Practical Implementation Strategies Feedback


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This webinar is part of the two-part webinar series

Palliative Care and Advanced Planning

But We Already Do Palliative Care: The Paradigm Shift to Integrating a Palliative Approach

Palliative Approach in LTC: Practical Implementation Strategies


Dr. Sandy Shamon

Dr. Shamon is a palliative care physician at Mount Sinai Hospital and Medical Director at Sienna Senior Living. She is a lecturer at the University of Toronto's Department of Family and Community Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University. She also sits on the boards of Ontario Long Term Care Clinicians and Bridges to Belonging.